martes, 12 de septiembre de 2017

Quiz: Present Perfect Tense


This is the next quiz. You can print it from the blog (find the link attached)  or buy a copy in the copy shop at school!

Deadline: September, 21st

List of irregular verbs

sábado, 2 de septiembre de 2017



Visto y considerando que la utilización del blog no tiene la funcionalidad ni utilidad con el cual fue propuesto su uso, a partir de la próxima semana comenzaremos con una nueva metodología de trabajo. Asignaré tareas, las cuales deberán  completar en sus casas con una fecha de entrega y la cuál se evaluará con nota numérica. En caso de  no entregar la actividad asignada estará desaprobada. 
Espero esta nueva metodología los ayude y motive para este último período del año. 

Seguiremos utilizando el blog para ponernos en contacto en caso de que surgieran dudas o tenga que avisarles algo de una clase a la otra.


Teacher Jesica

domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

Strange diseases, group presentation

Hola a todos,

Este mensaje va en español dado que no quiero que queden dudas respecto a su contenido.
Recuerden que el día miércoles 30 de agosto dedicaremos la clase a sus presentaciones grupales, nota con la cuál daremos por concluido nuestro segundo trimestre.

Para tener en cuenta:

  • Estudien oraciones simples, fáciles de pronunciar e interpretar por la audiencia. Todos los integrantes deben hablar la misma cantidad de tiempo asegurándose que sus compañeros entiendan de que hablan
  • Conozcan bien el tema a presentar por si algún compañero quiere realizar alguna pregunta.
  • No olviden llevar soporte visual adecuado, ´por supuesto no acepto imágenes inapropiadas.
  • Si tienen alguna duda antes de la presentación me escriben por este medio o me envían un email a
  • Serán evaluados los siguientes items: claridad de ideas, pronunciación, relación con la audiencia (eso incluye el uso de la voz, lenguaje corporal, actitud) y contenido. Además también será evaluada la actitud de la audiencia para con sus compañeros.
Los veo el miércoles, 

Teacher Jesica

jueves, 10 de agosto de 2017

How pandemics spread

Hello dear students!

In this post you'll find the video we watched last class. The idea is to reflect upon some concepts such as pandemics and how illnesses spread.

  • Watch the video again, choose and aswer one of the questions below:

a) How do you feel about the term "pandemics"? 

b) Imagine you're about to travel and you get to know that the destination you're going to is suffering from a pandemic. Would you travel the same? why? why not?

c) Which pandemics took place in Argentina? Do you remember the emergency measures that were taken in order to stop them?

d) What do you think of the video? Is it useful? Have you learnt anything new? why? why not?

DEADLINE: August, 17th

lunes, 12 de junio de 2017

Unit 3 "Movies"


As we're going to start with unit 3 "movies" I would like you to watch the following short video, and answer the following questions. Answer all the questions below, please.

a)What's your favourite type of film?
b)What's your favourite film?
c)Is there any genre/type of film in the video you hate or don't like? Why?
d)Is there any genre/type of movie missing in the video? Which one?

DEADLINE: June, 21st

sábado, 3 de junio de 2017

Thinking out loud

Hello everyone!

Well, this is not an online activity. I'm just posting the activity planned for last class ↓. As most of you couldn't finish copying, you can copy it from here for next class. Please, don't work on it. We'll do the activities in class. 
Next week I'll be posting the next online activity.

Please, if you read this post before Wednesday inform your classmates, specially those who were absent on Thursday.

ps.: Topo in English is mole! 

See you on Wednesday 

Teacher Jesica

"Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran
1.      Complete with the words in the box
legs – feet-      remember – love – eyes – before – mouth - work
When your _____________ don't work like they used to ___________
And I  can’t  sweep you off of your _______________
 Will your ____________ still remember the taste of my _____________?
Will your __________________ still smile from your cheeks?

2.      Choose the right option

And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 17/ 60 / 70
And, baby, my heart still fall as hard at 13 /23 /33

3.      Put the sentences in order

(  ) people fall  in love in mysterious ways
(  ) Maybe just the touch of a hand
(  ) And I'm thinking 'bout how
(  ) And I just wanna tell you I am
( ) Well, me—I fall in love with you every single day

4.      Fill in the blanks as you listen to the song [chorus]

So h___________________ now
 t__________________     me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place y_____________ head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That m________________ we fing  love right where we  a________________

When my hair's all but gone and my m__________ fades
And the crowds don't remember my n_____________
When my hands don't p_____________ the strings the same w_______________
I know you will still l__________________ me the same

'Cause honey your soul
could n____________ grow old,
it's evergreen
And, baby, your smile's f____________ in my mind and memory

5.      Put the sentences in order

(  ) Maybe it's all part of a plan
(  ) people fall in love in mysterious ways
(  ) Hoping that you'll understand
(  )Well, I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
(  ) I'm thinking 'bout how

6.      Circle the right word

But baby how/ now
Take/ make me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a hundred / thousand stars
Place your neck / head on my beating heart
I’m thinking / loving out loud
Maybe we find love right where we is/are


Quiz: Present Perfect Tense

Hi! This is the next quiz. You can print it from the blog (find the link attached)  or buy a copy in the copy shop at school! Deadline: ...